
How we raise funds

Planning for the 2022-2023 FY is in progress.

Meeting Fundraisers:

  1. Sale of mums
  2. Sign up for Poinsettia sale–to be delivered in December
  3. Sale of Christmas Cookies and/or other baked goods in December
  4. Ugly Christmas Sweater contest in December
  5. Silent or Live Auction in May

Other Activities

  1. Sale of RADA Cutlery
  2. Handmade items of club members are sold at the craft tables with 15% of the proceeds remaining with the club

Miscellaneous Collections

There are various items that are collected by the club that are subsequently turned into funds or contributed to a needy group. Below is the list of items collected, so please save the following to contribute to the club. Contact Shirley Butka for information: 931-484-9611.

  1. Aluminum can tabs
  2. Small size toiletries
  3. Old cell phones
  4. Empty Printer Cartridges
  5. Old eye glasses